Regular Council Meeting - August 8, 2012

08/20/2012 18:26




AUGUST 8, 2012                                                                               7:00p.m.


PRESENT: Randy Snyder, Jerry Twombly and Scott Huss.  Kevin Lackey and Lori Kelley were unable to attend.


ALSO PRESENT:  Bill Butrick, Brandon Whetstine, Aaron Leach, Ted Collins, Michael Hunsaker, Mike Batchelder, Rita Clary, Dennis Snyder, J.W. Twombly, Dennis Lentz, Paul Rush and Melanie Hollabaugh.


PRESIDING: Mayor Ken Stewart


The Public Hearing for the Proposed Budget for the City of Highland for 2013 was called to order at 7:04p.m. with a quorum present.


Mayor Stewart asked for any Public comment and Council comments on the proposed 2013 Budget. Jerry Twombly moved to accept the Budget for 2013 as proposed.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Randy Snyder moved, 2nd by Scott Huss to adjourn the Public Hearing.  Motion carried.


Mayor Stewart asked for a short recess to sign the Budget paperwork.


The Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 7:08p.m.


Jerry Twombly moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held July 11, 2012.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried. 


Randy Snyder moved to approve the bills for the month of July.  Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.




Police Chief Brandon Whetstine gave a brief activity report for the month of July.


City Superintendent Aaron Leach informed the Council that the street sweeper is not working and he has been looking into repairs and the cost of a new sweeper.  At this time he estimates the repairs to be around $3200.00 and a new one to be around $5800.00. Mr. Leach said he felt it was important to get at least Main Street cleaned up so they can get the parking and handicap lines painted before school starts.  He had also called about renting a sweeper for a day for $150.00 or a week for $515.00.  Jerry Twombly moved to rent a street sweeper from Rent-All for one week for $515.00.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Leach presented bids to the Council from Water Products and USA Blue Book to purchase a metal detector for use in line locates.  Jerry Twombly moved to accept the low bid of $892.00 from Water Products to purchase the metal detector.  Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.




There were no current committee reports.  Mayor Stewart asked to have the Water and Sewer Committee meet and look into a possible water and sewer rate increase.




City Attorney Ted Collins had prepared all the necessary paperwork to switch property with Rural Fire District #2.  Randy Snyder moved, 2nd by Jerry Twombly to adopt Ordinance #507, an Ordinance of the City of Highland, Kansas, transferring real property in the South one half of lots 7 and 8 in block 24 and the East 40 feet of lots 7,8 and 9 in block 59.  By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Twombly-yes and Huss-yes, motion carried. 


A discussion was held concerning the vacated portion of South Nebraska Street in reference to Dennis Lentz’s property.   The issue was tabled at this time to gather more information.


Rita Clary with Kansas Rural Water Association and Paul Rush with Rural Water District #6 asked the Council to send a letter agreeing to participate the Regionalization of the water resources in the area.


7:42p.m.  Jerry Twombly moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss legal matters and for Ted Collins, Bill Butrick and Melanie Hollabaugh to remain.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


7:52p.m.  Jerry Twombly moved to come out of executive session.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


7:52p.m.  Jerry Twombly moved to go back into executive session to continue to discuss legal matters for 5 minutes with Ted Collins, Bill Butrick, Melanie Hollabaugh, Rita Clary and Paul Rush to remain.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


7:57p.m.  Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


 Scott Huss moved to have City Attorney Ted Collins prepare a letter agreeing to participate in the Regionalization Water Project with Rural Water District #6 and District #1.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Jerry Twombly moved to approve the low bid from Terracon Consultants to perform a water tower geotechnical evaluation.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Scott Huss moved to adopt Ordinance #508, an Ordinance of the City of Highland, Kansas, incorporating by reference the “Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities,” Edition 2012.  Randy Snyder 2nd.  By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Twombly-yes and Huss-yes, motion carried.


Randy Snyder moved to adopt Ordinance #509, an Ordinance of the City of Highland, Kansas, incorporating by reference the “Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities,” Edition 2012.  Jerry Twombly 2nd.  By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Twombly-yes and Huss-yes, motion carried.


City Attorney Ted Collins talked to the Council about the need to keep the City Traffic Map updated and possibly implementing speed control and weight limits on the newly paved Missouri street and West Avenue.  After a brief discussion, Randy Snyder moved to place 4-way stop signs on West Missouri Street at the intersections of North Elmira and North Kirkwood streets and to implement them on the City Traffic Map.  Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.


Scott Huss asked about the street signs that need to be repainted.  Jerry Twombly asked about the drop off that needs repaired on Pennsylvania Street.  Randy Snyder stated that he would ask Tom Lackey and Travis Clary to give an estimate on placing a grate over the drop off to take care of the problem.


Jerry Twombly moved to approve Payment Request #2 for Grant #11-PF-035 for the City’s Street Improvement Project.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Dennis Snyder mentioned that the tube on West Missouri in front of Mike Sisk’s house had been covered with asphalt.  Mayor Stewart said that he would take care of talking to the appropriate people to get the problem fixed.


8:10p.m. Randy Snyder moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss personnel with Ted Collins and Bill Butrick to remain.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.



8:25p.m. Randy Snyder moved to come out of executive session.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried. 


Chief Whetstine informed the Council of an accident that occurred on Missouri Street this past week.


Scott Huss moved to allow City employees to cover EMS and Fire on call time in emergency situations only.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


City Attorney Ted Collins stated that there are several projects the City has going on that his regular salary does not cover.  He further stated he would meet with Mayor Ken Stewart and Clerk Consultant Bill Butrick to determine time and expenses that would be involved. The Council inquired about the progress of the new County Zoning Project. 


8:35p.m. Scott Huss moved to adjourn.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.