Regular Council Meeting - April 11, 2012

07/12/2012 21:34



                                         APRIL 11, 2012                               7:00 P.M.

PRESENT:  Randy Snyder, Lori Kelley, Scott Huss, Jerry Twombly and Kevin Lackey.

ALSO PRESENT:  Jim Gilmore, Dennis Lentz, J.W. Twombly, Pam Twombly, Dennis Snyder, Mel Hollabaugh, Mike Batchelder, Dorothy Diveley, Fuzz Lewis, Aaron Leach, Ted Collins, Russ Karn, Michael Hunsaker, Teresa McAnerney, Pam Wiedner, David Diveley, Mary Lou Glynn, Scott Sisk and Bill Butrick. Pam Blevins and kids arrived at 7:40 p.m.

PRESIDING:   Mayor Ken Stewart.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all Council Members present.

Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held March 14, 2012. Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.

Jerry Twombly moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held April 2, 2012.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.

Randy Snyder moved to approve the bills for the month of March, 2012.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.


Teresa McAnerney, Facilitator for the Northeast Kansas EnterpriseFacilitation gave a presentation about helping small businesses in Northeast Kansas.  McAnerney stated that they offered free confidential coaching for entrepreneurs with new or existing businesses and could also help with finding business financing.  She invited everyone to the Northeast Kansas Entrepreneurship Academy to be held at Highland Community College from June 18th thru the 21st.

Dorothy Diveley presented five U.S. Flags and three Kansas Flags that had been repaired and asked that city maintenance put up the Kansas Flag at the city limit “Welcome to Highland” sign.

7:10 p.m.  Kevin Lackey moved to go into executive session for fifteen minutes to discuss legal matters and that those who should attend would be Randy Snyder, Lori Kelley, Kevin Lackey, Scott Huss, Ken Stewart, Ted Collins and Bill Butrick.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.

7:25 p.m.   Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.

Dennis Lentz asked that the Public Hearing concerning the vacating of 88’ of the alley in Block 105 be delayed until his legal counsel was present.


Aaron Leach presented a bid from National Sign Company for poles, brackets and street signs within the City.  The bid was approximately $12,500 for 91 units.  He stated that he is expecting two more bids and will present them at a future meeting.  Leach also reported that the lift station pumps are installed and working good so far.

Mayor Stewart informed the Council that Police Chief Brandon Whetstine was attending a meeting tonight concerning safety for law enforcement officers.


Mary Lou Glynn, speaking on behalf of Brad Moore, requested that a street light be installed near the 306 S. Kirkwood residence owned by Mr. Moore.  Council member Randy Snyder stated that he felt there was sufficient lighting provided by the street light located at the beginning of the 300 Block of S. Kirkwood. Mayor Stewart commented that the owner might consider installing a yard light of his own if he felt the property was too dark.

Council member Scott Huss asked about the city’s water loss.  City Clerk Bill Butrick stated the 2011 annual water report showed the City pumped around 44 million gallon for the year which is an average of a little over 3 ½ million per month.  Butrick stated that the water loss was around 15% for 2011 which is probably about average for most systems.

Dennis Lentz expressed his concern that he was not notified of the last Special Council Meeting  held on April 2nd as he has requested .

Dorothy Diveley asked about repairs on the 300 block of S. Iowa Street.

Pam Wiedner asked about the city’s policy for law enforcement officers living in the Highland.  Mayor Stewart stated that the City does not have a requirement but does expect a certain response time.


A brief discussion was held concerning the banners placed on light poles within the City purchased by PRIDE.  The final opinion of the Council was to place a few on the edge of town when entering the City and try to find a better method to install the banners where they wouldn’t tear lose so easily.


7:45 p.m.   Mayor Stewart called to order the Notice of Hearing from the request of Jerry and Pam Twombly to vacate 88’ of the east-west alley in block 105, lots 11 & 12 for establishing a business. 

See attachment of “Record of Vacation Hearing.”  Petitioner:  Jerry and Pam Twombly.

Randy Snyder moved to approve Ordinance #505.  An Ordinance to allow for vacating 88’ of the east-west alley in Block 105 with the following special conditions.  1.  Moving sewer lines if necessary to meet city specifications and for the petitioners to be responsible for all expenses that may occur.  2.  Insuring that contiguous tract owners be allowed access to their property from what was previously known as S. Nebraska Street (vacated Ordinance #205).  3.  That owners shall secure a building permit which meets all zoning requirements.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried 3-1 with Huss voting no. 

8:24 p.m.  Randy Snyder moved to adjourn the Public Hearing.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.


Mayor Stewart requested that Item’s 1 and 2 under new business referring to the annual discussion of water meter and fire hydrant replacement be moved back until next year due to the water loop within the City being a part of the water systems improvement grant which would affect where meters and hydrants may go.  The Council did agree that a new fire hydrant be placed at the intersection of Elm and Virginia Streets due to its poor condition.

A brief discussion was held concerning street asphalting for this year.  It was agreed that the 100 and 200 block of E. Penn be on the list as well as all of N. Carolina Street east of the High School  subject to bids that are received.  A discussion followed on repairing the speed bumps on Main Street , brushes for the street sweeper and chip and sealing certain low traffic roads within the City instead of asphalting.

Mike Batchelder stated that when he was on the Council he had contacted Vance Brothers about repairing the speed bumps on Main Street.

The Council reviewed cost analysis and rate structures from 2007 for proposals to be presented to  Rural Water District #6 for possible purchasing of water.  A brief discussion determined that most Council Members agreed to keep the connection fee the same as the proposal in 2007 and for the same cost per thousand except for adding the increase that the City will implement to it’s customers in the next few months.  Jerry Twombly moved to allow the Mayor and City Attorney to continue negotiations on behalf of the City with the Rural Water District for possible water purchase.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-1 with Huss voting no.

8:48 p.m.  Kevin Lackey moved to go into executive session for ten minutes to discuss personnel and for Bill Butrick to remain.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.

8:53 p.m.  Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.

Mayor Stewart stated that Aaron Leach had received his certificate to become a certified Water Systems Operator and that this had always been rewarded with a wage increase when passing the test.

Jerry Twombly moved to give Aaron Leach a two step raise/50 cents per hr. on the salary schedule.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.

8:55 p.m.  Scott Huss moved to adjourn.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.